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Armam | 2020. Matheus Pires. Installation. 500 x 50 cm. Old advertising aluminum letters.

'Armam' é um letreiro formado por letras-caixas coletadas em minhas caminhadas pelas ruas de Goiânia. Ele dialoga com a discussão travada no campo da política, relativa ao apelo bélico no discurso insuflado protagonizado por setores ideológicos da extrema-direita e seu uso propagandístico no contexto político mundial. O apelo à violência serve a estratégia de sectarismo ideológico, que atende aos interesses do atual establishment político brasileiro, cultivando uma gramática paranoica da construção de inimigos e devoção ao ideário patriótico.

'Armam' is a sign formed by old advertising aluminum letters that are common to see on the facades of commercial establishments. They were collected on my walks through the streets of Goiânia. Part of the cityscape, I rearrange them into a new sign. ’Armam’ is the conjugated form of the verb ‘armar‘(to arm) in the third person of the plural of a Portuguese verb that means to arm, but also to cheat. It dialogues with the environment of political instability in Brazil, where the ideological discourse of right-wing extremism politicians and its propagandistic use is inflated. The appeal to violence serves the strategy of ideological sectarianism, which serves the interests of the increasingly militarized Brazilian political establishment, cultivating a paranoid grammar of enemy construction and devotion to (not so) patriotic ideas.

Captura de Tela 2021-08-28 às 22.45.07.png
Captura de Tela 2021-08-28 às 22.48.54.png
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